Vanessa Michele

Yoga and Meditation

Guiding you to slow down, live intentionally, and breathe easy.


Life is about finding balance. Each day search for ways that you can feed your mind, body, and soul. Don’t take everything so personal. Don’t take on emotions, beliefs, and perceptions that do not belong to you. Become so in tune with yourself that you immediately know when you’re not walking in God’s directed path for your life. Find softness with every breath and to allow space to let joy in. It is my hope, that I can provide you with the tools to create a little space to breathe easy and be open and available for great things.

Do you struggle with finding balance and prioritizing your self care? I offer faith-based yoga classes, meditations, and intentional living resources for those with a busy lifestyle.


Gather Wellness app

  • Unlimited access to on-demand guided meditations to grow your faith

  • Yoga classes, inspirational series, and programs to inspire you on and off the mat

  • Community feed for accountability and connection


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Vanessa is a certified yoga and meditation teacher with over 1000 hours of experience. She uses traditional yoga methods mixed with modern science to guide others to breathe easy, prevent stress, and develop sustainable well-being.

